We often think of relationships as something to be maintained only when something is wrong.…
No human interaction that is devoid of conflicts, whether between siblings, friends, countries and of course, lovers are not excluded. This is because humans are imperfect.
In life, the choices we make define the paths we take, shaping our destiny and…
Imagine a student who desires to graduate with distinction but refuses to attend lectures, study the course material, or adequately prepare for their exams or assignments. Can they expect success without putting in the necessary effort?
Think about the connection between the head and the neck—when the neck is in pain, the head can’t function properly. In the same way, your marriage is a union where you and your spouse are intricately connected.
The book of numbers is the fourth book written by Moses. It includes the events…
God has so many promises for His children showing the depth of His commitment and…
In the past, love was often shaped by literature, such as Romeo and Juliet, and sometimes poetry. However, today, the media largely influences our understanding of love.
Leviticus 24-25 highlights some specific instructions from God to the Israelites for the sabbath year…
There is a term called observational learning where children learn by seeing and likewise imitate behaviours they observe. For example, a child can learn to wave by watching others do it.