“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.”  – Matthew 13:44 (NKJV)

Welcome to the 33rd Weekly Devotional Recap of the year. This week, we learnt that God has an agenda and we, as part of God’s body, should strategically occupy positions of influence to propagate God’s will on the Earth.  We also learnt to be strong, courageous and visionary. 

On Monday, we were taught that God has an agenda, which is that all men be saved by believing in the Gospel. As believers, our purpose is to make Christ known,  not only through the preaching of the Word but also through our secular systems of influence. This is how we influence the world for God. We must not leave secular industries for the enemy to infiltrate, instead, we must buy these fields (Matthew 13:44) and show forth God’s glory to the ends of the earth (Mark 16:15). 

We learnt on Tuesday, that it is possible to dominate spheres of influence, without losing our integrity. As children of God, we are mandated to occupy and buy fields. Just like light in a dark place, our impact is more when we are in the midst of the people of the world. We must not shy away from influence, instead, like Joshua, we must rise to the occasion and champion our sectors for Christ (1 Peter 2: 12). By doing so, we become field giants who through our secular expressions, lead others to God. 

Wednesday’s devotional reminded us to be strong and courageous as we take up mountains of influence for the gospel (Joshua 1:9). Like Joshua, we must always remember that God is with us and has empowered us to do exploits for His namesake. 

On Thursday, we were instructed to be visionary. If we would fulfil our God-given assignments, we must learn to see far, to hold a picture of God’s word to us in our minds and actively walk in line with the vision (Isaiah 54:2). What is that sector that God would have you influence? Envision and prepare actively for it through constant devotion and seeking mentorship. 

Finally, we wrapped up the week on Friday with an instruction to play our part. The body of Christ is likened to the human body, where every part of the body is equally important (1 Corinthians 12:  17, 1 Peter 2:9). Individually, we must unashamedly shine our lights and shake the world with the Gospel,  while supporting our brethren. 

God has an agenda and we ought to be a part of it. Therefore, observe and participate in what God is doing around you to make a meaningful impact. 

Dear believer, play your part.  

Go forth and occupy for Christ!

Have a great Weekend! 

Bible Reading Catchup

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