“So be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the LORD!” Psalm 31:24 NLT.

There is every tendency to consider giving up on great dreams and visions the Lord has given to you because of previous setbacks or disappointments. Regardless of the experiences of the last year, remember that you’re not alone! God wants you to try again with Him, and this time, with even more tenacity!

We see an example of tenacity in Isaac when the men of Gerar kept striving with his men over wells. He kept trying again until there was no more striving, and he named the well “Rehoboth” because the Lord had made room (Genesis 26:17-22). This admonition is to encourage you to go again this year, irrespective of opposition and setbacks. The Lord has indeed made room for you in this new year.

In addition, one of the shocking facts we see in the scriptures is that men can limit God’s move in their lives. This means you can be a major obstacle to what God wants to do in your life based on your thoughts and actions. The Psalmist recorded that the children of Israel limited the Holy One because they did not acknowledge His power and ability (Psalm 48:71).

Can you recognise God’s power and reevaluate that situation as you go this year? Think about the woman with the issue of blood; she had suffered the same condition for twelve years! Still, she believed she could still receive a miracle from God (Luke 8:43-48, Mark 5:25-34). Scripture is replete with instances that prove God can be trusted. With this fact as your anchor, will you try again this year?

Dear believer, there is great power at work in you. Defeat is not in your DNA, and hope is rising within you as you pick up those abandoned projects and visions again. You are not going alone; you have God’s backing. Paul says that God can do exceedingly abundantly above all that you ask or think, according to the power that works in you (Ephesians 3:20).

SAY THIS: I acknowledge God’s ability and power within me this year; I am never defeated, I make bold steps, I am supernaturally led, and I see prophecies fulfilled.

Bible Reading Plan: Genesis 3-5,Matthew 2

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