“He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return. And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come.” Luke 19:12-13 KJV

In today’s reading, Jesus told a parable of a rich man who gave talents to his servants instructing them to occupy till he returns. 

This instruction and the rich man’s response to how his servants carried out the instruction helps us see that every leader’s desire is for those entrusted with resources to get the best possible results out of it. If this can be said of earthly leaders, how much more, Jesus who told this parable?

To occupy, we need to understand that every believer has been entrusted with the Great Commission: to preach the gospel to unbelievers, reconciling people to God the Father (2 Corinthians 5:18, Matthew 28:19).

To effectively fulfill this mission, we must adopt a specific mindset. God gave us His only begotten son, and through Him, many can become children of God. This means we must dream big, aiming to see the kingdom of heaven filled with countless believers. Don’t settle for just one soul—preach the Gospel and persuade the skeptics. God is counting on you (John 12:24).

The next thing to note is that for the Gospel to spread, you have to be deliberate and committed to exploring every possible means that can be leveraged.

One of which is the traditional preaching of the Gospel. We must never take the place of one-on-one evangelism for granted. So, preach the Gospel every chance you get. Ask that person seated next to you on the bus or in your house, do you have time to hear about our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (Romans 10:15).

Another is to deliberately take hold of means that can enable the Gospel to spread faster. This can happen through your finances. Before now, you may have been satisfied with just earning enough to take care of your needs and those around you, but being ambitious for a selfless cause like the propagation of the Gospel far and wide, is a godly ambition.

Through your resources, the Gospel’s reach can be sponsored to the nooks and crannies of the earth.

Furthermore, we also need to leverage platforms of influence for the gospel. In today’s world, themedia, especially social media, are being used to push different agendas and as believers, we should take advantage of this to influence the reach of the Gospel.

We must remember that God created this world and every innovation that currently deviates from God’s intent was a springboard from God’s Original design at creation. While we await the second coming of our Lord, we can strive to see that we leverage God’s wisdom and build on his original design to push the Gospel through these platforms if we have the opportunity to.

As you go forth today, dream big for God’s kingdom and allow the Gospel to spread on your account.

Bible Reading Plan: James 3-4

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