“Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.” – ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭18‬:‭15‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Have you ever been hurt or offended in Church to the point of considering leaving or temporary withdrawal? It may have come in varying degrees, from hurtful words to disappointments or abuse.  But one thing to remember is, that Jesus has felt that way too. 

Jesus, who is God in the flesh, experienced hurtful and offensive things from people around Him including His siblings and Disciples. His siblings didn’t believe in him (John 7:3-5); His disciples, Judas Iscariot and Peter were either stealing from the purse (John 12:6) or would later deny him publicly despite swearing to even die for Him (John 13:37-38). Apart from the expected antagonism from the Pharisees, you would expect a loyal disposition from people close to Him.

Truly, you can be hurt by beloved brethren in Christ despite the common profession of faith and incidental trust expected to flow from fellowshipping together. However, in every human relationship, offences are inevitable. We must embrace this reality and learn how to navigate it gracefully.

Listen, the devil is always on the prowl. His ultimate desire is that you sink in that emotion and never find peace or embrace forgiveness. He continues to plant thoughts that will keep you isolated and have you limit the influence of the spirit in that season. 

Church hurt can feel isolating and overwhelming, leading to thoughts of leaving for immediate relief. However, finding lasting comfort involves asking, “What would God have me do?” or “How would God want me to react?” and surrendering your heart to God.

God will have you exercise discretion and wisdom in handling these situations. He does not want you to isolate yourself. A season of hurt should be the season to draw nearer to God. Process your pain and hurt with God. Be vulnerable with Him and let Him in. He is a loving father and will take care of you. (1 Peter 5:6-7).

Again, embrace community. Do not entirely shut everybody out. Prayer prepares you, especially how to be vulnerable to others. Through wisdom, you can discern who to speak to starting from the pastorate down to close friends. 

Embrace forgiveness. The whole essence of prayer is not only about what it does in you but also what it prepares you for. Naturally and humanly speaking, forgiveness may not immediately be an option but because you are spirit-filled and have your heart open to the possibility, it will happen. Just embrace it and allow the spirit to lead you. (Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭13)

Beloved, remember that the church comprises imperfect people, only saved by grace, who all pray, desire and work towards looking like Jesus daily. 

If one brethren hurts you, be like Jesus who cried out to God even at the point of death. Let God in; He’ll help you.

Bible Reading Plan: Acts 14

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