“Now you [collectively] are Christ’s body, and individually [you are] members of it [each with his own special purpose and function].” 1 Corinthians 12:27 (AMP)

Can you imagine eating with your ears or running with your hands? This may sound absurd because, God, our intentional father created the human body in such a way that every part has its unique purpose. However, they can’t function independently of each other. God’s design is for all body parts to work in unison, supporting one another. 

Paul in our anchor verse referred to the church as the body of Christ. We have been called as a body to make known Christ in our sphere of influence and raise disciples. This can only be achieved in unity. If you are to take a walk, you need your whole body to move and cooperate in ensuring you move. The gospel can only prevail if we all play our part as a body in the propagation of the Gospel.

Jesus is the head of the body (Colossians 1:18), and that’s why we look to Him as an example to emulate. We see in the New Testament that for Jesus’s ministry to spread and for the church to be fully furnished, He had to choose disciples. It is worth noting that the disciples had professions – some were tentmakers, fishermen… etc but Jesus still used them for mission.

Brethren, if the Gospel is to reach every corner of the world, it will require both you and me. What are you doing to further the Gospel? How are you using your sphere of influence and your current position to share it? How many people have you spoken to about Jesus at school, in your workplace, on social media, or among family and friends?

Don’t be afraid to make Christ known. Our calling extends beyond the church into every aspect of life, including secular spaces. You may not realise it, but believers have the numbers and the influence to make a difference. Imagine if we invested in areas like entertainment—movies, music, art, fashion & sports—we have the potential to shape culture and impact the box office. We need to start supporting believers who are involved in secular activities that align with godly principles. As the body of Christ, we must stand together and support one another (1 Peter 3:8). Remember, every joint supplies! 

Together, we can shake the world with the Gospel, we can bring the light of the world to territories and raise disciples who love God.  Not everyone might be opportune to hold a microphone, but God can use you through your secular expressions (Romans 12:4-5). 

So, just like Mordecai said to Esther in Esther 4:14, what if you are where you are at such a time as this to shake your place of influence for the Gospel? 

You are a part of the body, and your part in the body of Christ matters.

Bible Reading Plan: 1 Corinthians 1-2

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