It’s time for another Bible Reading Plan Recap! Our reading spanned from Genesis 12-50 this past month Recall that we stopped reading the book of Genesis to read about the life of Job but now we are back and have covered the lives of three key figures in the history of the people of Israel and the Judaeo-Christian faith or simply, the Christian faith, at large. These key figures are Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

In Genesis 12, we see God calling a man named Abraham, to make a covenant with. He was called out of his father’s house, out of his family, to go to a land that He (God) will show him. This man became the father of a people separated to God, from whose lineage, a Man will arise and reconcile the whole world to God (Genesis 12:1-3, 13:14-17).

It needs to be pointed out that as soon as we began reading from Chapter 12, the narrative changed. In the preceding chapters, it was focused on God’s relationship with the world and in subsequent chapters, it was focused on God’s relationship with one man (Abraham) and his lineage.

This focus is important because it helps us see how God’s promise to save mankind (Genesis 3:15) is fulfilled through this man’s lineage. To him, God first entrusted the blessing which included a Promised Land (Canaan) and many children like the stars of the sky. And over and over again, we see God reiterate this promise to his descendants (Genesis 12:1-3, 13:14-17, 26:2-5, 28:13-15).

Although there are tons of lessons we can learn from the life of Abraham, the one which stands out is his faith in God. From leaving his father’s house without clear direction to his destination to waiting to have a son, to trusting God that he would raise his son back to life without knowing how, typifying the resurrection of Christ, he is indeed a patriarch of faith especially because he lived in a land filled with pagans. 

He also made sure he passed down the heritage God had given him to his son. And his son Isaac and grandchild alike, Jacob made sure to pass down this heritage to their own children.

Of course, there are other details you must have taken note of, especially the deception that runs rampant in Abraham’s larger family and his in-laws (Laban and Rebekah), which was also a defining characteristic of his grandson, Jacob. Jacob’s story however changed when he wrestled with a strange man who renamed him Israel. 

By now, you have also started reading from the book of Exodus and the suffering of the people of Israel in Egypt and how they left by the mighty hand of God for the Promised Land, Canaan. We hope you’ve been enjoying your Bible reading so far. Keep at it, don’t give up. 

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